參與其中 學生計劃 成為志願者 一呼百應 導覽列 You are here: Home » 參與其中 » 一呼百應 一呼百應 請在下方輸入合適的資料以向您的朋友發出電郵,呼籲他們支持逸傑國際慈善基金會。標有星號(*)的為必填項。 Your Information Salutation: * First Name: * Last Name: * ---Dr.Mr.Mrs.Ms. Email: * Your Friend's Information Input 1 to 10 email addresses: 1.* 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Your Message Email Subject: You can send the following message or enter your own: I found a site that is truly helping children by treating facial deformities. I thought you might be interested in visiting them. There are various ways in which you could help these kids. It is the website of Beam International Foundation Limited at www.beaminternational.org, check it out.